Consulting Partner002

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LeadMaster Consulting
Partner Program

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Are you a business consultant interested in expanding your business with CRM?
If so, let’s talk. 800-699-4164


Why the LeadMaster Partner Program?

• All-inclusive CRM – workflow automation and e-marketing
• Brand our CRM to your business (or your client’s) – White label ready
• Too busy, lean on us – Leave the set-up and/or support to our Premier Design Team
• Profitable for you – recurring revenue and services opportunity
• Affordable and quick to implement – No long term contracts, this is a month-to-month service
• Highly customizable – to mirror your client’s business model
• Flexible – 100% access to make ADMIN changes
• Adoption is easy with little or no learning Curve – Easy to use 1-page CRM
• A reliable company – 20+ years in business, privately owned


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